Shipping Docker with a Java Application
Docker is not a new technology anymore. In the meanwhile, it has become an everyday tool for many developers. However, there are still a lot of people out there who haven’t tried Docker. In this article, I’m going to show you how to ship a standalone Java application in a Docker container.

Docker installation
Follow the instructions from
Create java project
Create a simple java project with main method.
package hello;
import java.time.LocalTime;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
while (true) {
System.out.println("The current time is: " +;
This code does nothing else other than notifying the user every 2 seconds.
Build this code into a jar using your IDE. Or if you’re lazy, just
download the project from GitHub.
It already contains the jar file as well.
Prepare Dockerfile
Create a file with the name Dockerfile
to the root of your project and add
the next commands into it:
FROM openjdk:8
ADD build/libs/java-docker-example-0.1.0.jar /opt/hello/app.jar
WORKDIR /opt/hello
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java -cp app.jar hello.HelloWorld" ]
The first directive of this file creates a docker image based on openjdk jre-8 image. It is an Ubuntu distribution with JRE installed on top of it.
The second directive copies the jar file into the Docker image.
Note: if you’re using your own jar file (not the one from GitHub), you
might have a different jar name. If so - simply replace
with your own jar name, thus providing
an appropriate path.
The third step sets the work directory of the image into the directory which contains the jar.
And the last directive performs sh
command which runs java. You can also
use a shorter form java -jar app.jar
, but make sure that your manifest
contains a reference to the main class.
Build Docker image
Open terminal in root folder of your project and perform the command:
$ docker build -t java-docker-example .
This might take some time, because Docker will download all the dependencies. Once it is ready, you’ll see something like this:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 442.4 kB
Step 1 : FROM openjdk:8
---> 8dde5631d4aa
Step 2 : ADD build/libs/java-docker-example-0.1.0.jar /opt/hello/app.jar
---> Using cache
---> 423df7defd3b
Step 3 : WORKDIR /opt/hello
---> Using cache
---> 479a3a5f110e
Step 4 : ENTRYPOINT sh -c java -cp app.jar hello.HelloWorld
---> Using cache
---> f46dfdb8195b
Successfully built f46dfdb8195b
Now if you run the command
$ docker images
you’ll see the newly built image
java-docker-example latest f46dfdb8195b 7 minutes ago 641.5 MB
We’re ready to run the container
$ docker run java-docker-example
and you’ll see the output from your code:
The current local time is: 23:32:55.617
The current local time is: 23:32:57.621
The current local time is: 23:32:59.622
The current local time is: 23:33:01.624
The current local time is: 23:33:03.625
You can watch your running containers by executing $ docker ps
You can also stop or remove your container.
docker stop c79f70478154
stops the container with CONTAINER ID
c79f70478154 (you
can find CONTAINER ID in docker ps
docker rm c79f70478154
removes the container with id c79f70478154
docker rm -f c79f70478154
removes the container even if it is still running.