Using 'any' Matchers in Unit Tests Is a Code Smell
If you’ve worked with JUnit and Mockito, you must be familiar with matchers.
They provide a way to verify parameters during method invocation. Among many
of those, there is a group that allows matching any object as a condition.
Their names all start with the word ‘any’: Matchers.any()
, Matchers.anyString()
, etc. If in your project, you find many of such calls there
is a high chance that something is wrong with your code. Let me explain why.

Have you ever seen or written code like this?
.willReturn(new User("id", "John Doe"));
The key element here is the anyString()
call. It introduces potential issues
to the test. This way, the test doesn’t check the method correctly.
It doesn’t guaranty that findById()
is invoked with the correct parameters.
This might be obvious to you, but I repeatedly see such code in real projects.
Suppose such mocking is used while testing the following method:
public void addToWishList(String userId, String productId) {
User user = userService.findById(userId);
WishList wishList = user.getWishList();
If I mistakenly pass productId
instead of userId
into userService.findById()
call the test won’t fail. The mocked findById
method will always return a valid
object, disregard what is passed as an argument. Even if I hard-code
something like userService.findById("1234")
in the method body the test will still
be green. Such an issue could not have happened had I passed a concrete
value instead of a matcher while mocking the call.
So, why use ‘any’ matcher? In my opinion, there is no reason for doing that. You do
not need ‘any’ matcher in most cases. Even if it looks like you need them,
there is always a different approach. For instance, they are often used when
static or final methods are invoked, but you can still mock static or final methods
using another library like PowerMock
, etc.
There are also cases where it is really hard to mock all the classes in the call chain because there are too many parties involved. Sometimes it constantly feels like you would need to do a lot of work if you properly mock everything. If this is the case, it’s a sign of bad design and the solution would be to rethink the architecture. Probably you are violating some of the key design principles such as the Single Responsibility Principle. Fix the design first, and mocking will be much easier.